

Title: Playground

Size: 10" x 10"

Medium: Acrylic on paper

This abstract piece features a vibrant mix of colors and dynamic brushstrokes. The composition includes distinct shapes and forms, such as circular patterns and arch-like structures. Bold and energetic brushwork creates a sense of movement and spontaneity. The contrast between lighter hues and darker colors adds depth and intrigue, inviting various interpretations. Inspired by the elements of a playground, the artwork captures the playfulness and energy of such spaces.

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Title: Playground

Size: 10" x 10"

Medium: Acrylic on paper

This abstract piece features a vibrant mix of colors and dynamic brushstrokes. The composition includes distinct shapes and forms, such as circular patterns and arch-like structures. Bold and energetic brushwork creates a sense of movement and spontaneity. The contrast between lighter hues and darker colors adds depth and intrigue, inviting various interpretations. Inspired by the elements of a playground, the artwork captures the playfulness and energy of such spaces.

Title: Playground

Size: 10" x 10"

Medium: Acrylic on paper

This abstract piece features a vibrant mix of colors and dynamic brushstrokes. The composition includes distinct shapes and forms, such as circular patterns and arch-like structures. Bold and energetic brushwork creates a sense of movement and spontaneity. The contrast between lighter hues and darker colors adds depth and intrigue, inviting various interpretations. Inspired by the elements of a playground, the artwork captures the playfulness and energy of such spaces.

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